• Derichsweiler Umzüge Lagerung Services GmbH & Co. KG - Kolumbusstraße 13 - 71063 Sindelfingen      Imprint | Privacy Policy


Art transport

The transport of art objects necessitates specialist knowledge

We guarantee professional handling of all your pieces of art in all art removals. Pieces of art come in a variety of shapes, sizes, weights and with different surfaces. 

The transport of art objects necessitates specialist knowledge and ?artistic? creativity. We handle all relevant tasks, from the furnishing of the packaging materials to the actual transport. 

We can also offer to lease the necessary area for the proper storage of your art pieces. We possess experience of many years with the handling of a variety of art objects, and we look forward to be of assistance with your move.

The transport of art objects requires expertise

Derichsweiler Umzüge

Umzüge Lagerung Services GmbH & Co. KG
Kolumbusstraße 13 - 71063 Sindelfingen